Immortal Soul: Black Survival Community Content
What is PvE Labyrinthos?
Last Updated: 22/06/10
[Why bother with PvE mode?]
You can get exclusive skins & trade-in for gems. And you can get used for pathing efficiently without the stress of being pushed around when you are newer to the game like in the PvP mode as it uses the same map as PvP.
[Character Selection]
The Character you have currently selected in the lobby will be the one you’ll bring into PvE. As of writing this guide, not every character is available for playing under the PvE mode. And their skills have been tweaked as well. Make sure to look at them under [List of Available Test Subjects] in-game. Also, the “meta” characters for PvE might fluctuate with upcoming patch notes.
[Points & Ranking Tips]
The game doesn't specifically tell you how points are calculated. One thing is guaranteed is that if you want to increase your points, you will need to play one PvE run for at least ~1 hour.
Here's some useful tips by swa:
Completing 100% an area
High ally levels: >40
High mastery: bonus if you reach VF level. Meeting a Sissela in-game is a mastery farm.
All Epic or better gears on
You can also give up the high variance from Hard Mode (as you can get killed by Bears) and grind in Normal. Brix recommends to reach at least 100k performance points weekly in the ranking so that you get rewards from that as well.
The game is auto-saved before you enter an area. So you can quit the game and come back if RNG hits you too hard.
3 tiers: Easy, Normal, Hard.
Increases the number of [Points] potentially gained
Decreases the numbers of [Areas] and rounds for a PvE run
Adds a timer for [Workshop] crafting
Increases Mobs strength. So that’s where [Saving] comes in handy to restart an area when you RNG a fatal death (AKA 3 Bears)
Decreases the numbers of [Lock] available in a PvE run
Normal seems to the best ratio for less RNG, and point distribution, and length.
[Labyrinthos Keys]
You get them for free after an amount of time, you can buy one for 100 gems. Players on the release of the Labyrinthos PvE mode also received keys for testing it out. More giveaways events for keys could happen in the future.
Area content is the same as in the PvP mode BUT
Legendary items can be dropped in an exclusive area (Yellow Star Icon)) and it will be the only thing found. Otherwise, you will get multiple Epic items.
The drop rates can be altered in comparison to PvP. You can find that out by clicking on the lens
Area can only be searched a limited number of times. Once you reach 100% for an Area, you can't search it anymore.
When you see a lock icon before entering an area, you can use it to unlock a new area. As we already said, the higher the difficulty, the less lock you will have access to. So being smart about which area to unlock is key.
Before entering an area, you can also see if an area has an ally in it. You can have up to 2 with you. They come equipped with a build and level in proportion to the duration of the current PvE run. Also, when an ally dies, unlike your starting Character, it’s not over. But you lose all equipped items on that ally. And you can also choose to remove an ally from your team if you want to make space for another one too during the next workshop phase.
As soon as you select an area to Explore, you will have a timer (if higher difficulty) to craft your items. You can stack most items here as they are available for use during combat. 20 slots is a lot of space! If you want to recover Stamina & Food outside fights (not only during combat) you’ll have to keep them in your bag instead of the workshop. Do note, healing during fights consume 1 Action Cost while in-between fights consume none but they take space in your bag.
In comparison to PvP 6 slots, the Bag has 10 slots. So you should be able to grab most things found in that area.
[Exploration / Search]
Unlike PvP mode, you can’t search indefinitely in an area. So once you reach the end, you’re done.
Before searching an area, you have two stance options.
Normal stance: consumes less stamina, makes less noises, and finds less items. So I guess you could use it if you are on the verge of dying.
Rapid stance: consumes more stamina, makes more noises (more Mastery-building), and finds more items (per search). Right now, that’s your best stance 99% of the time.
[VF Wave & Noises]
VF Wave at the top of the searching area measures the strength of the mobs. The longer it is, the stronger the mob is. Noises are made every time a search is done. Rapid Stance increases the noises as we already mentioned.
Action Cost. Each action performed during Combat cost 1 Action Cost, including Healing items. Characters start at 3 Action Cost then increase with the level of their Mastery.
Cards. You use cards to attack mobs in the PvE unlike the PvP mode. You can combine the same cards together up to level 3 for higher damage at the cost of increasing their Action Cost by 1. You have basic & skill cards. Sequence them properly. Mastery is also gained each time a card is used. Therefore combining cards reduce your mastery gain.
[EXP & Level up]
The last character that kills the last mob will receive more EXP. And every time a character level up, debuffs, stamina, and HP are all FULLY recovered.
Good luck in your PvE runs!