Immortal Soul: Black Survival Community Content
Last Updated: 24/08/25
Pitcher with built-in Stamina. He can throw different balls at you.
Skill Explained
Inning Eater: His signature beginner-friendly built-in Stamina. The “infinite” Staminamakes sure he’s always searching, and getting ahead. He stops less often for Stamina. Sometimes Water is enough. This compensates for his low ATK.
Breaking Ball: This skill used to be only Change Up, and they added a few more options for William. Change Up alone wasn't that bad, it definitely punished opponent's that stayed on low Stamina. Now you do get increased firepower that William always lacked in the past. You do have the options to strategically consume your Stamina for different effects.
General Tips
Early: You don't have anything, and you have Throw Mastery which is typically more of a management both in your inventory and in quantity. Ruthenium Marble School start is a good option for a Throw character for example as it is seldom used by other masteries. For more, check Routes, or Other Links. The idea is that the extra stamina on Inning Eater allow you to Craft Efficiently without stopping or taking any damage from no Stamina. This is how you get ahead basically thoughout the game.
Contest: Usually doesn't have much throughout the game, so you can usually steal key fights from him if you stayed ahead. You can also steal the starting area from him.