Immortal Soul: Black Survival Community Content
Last Updated: 24/08/23
Let me frame you real quick. Photograph that uses his camera both defensively and offensively.
Skill Explained
Time Trail: Defensively, Time Trail makes Nathapon a mid to late game powerhouse with built-in HP, Stamina, and XP. The combination with Framing is going to be a lot of damage. He also has the option all through the game to strategically collect his cameras to maximize the benefits.
Framing: Offensively, it is always a good trade when opponent is fighting under Framing. The shred in combination from most areas being Time Trailed is strong. If they leave, this also allow Nathapon to craft more efficiently in his preferred area.
General Tips
Early: Start putting cameras, and continue doing so all game. He starts weak, so pick your spot.
Mid: Nathapon gets ahead by collecting his Time Trail cameras here. This gives him HP, Stamina, extra EXP, and enhanced Framing armor shred. Nathapon can start pressuring with his high level. Framing is great bullying tech for Nathapon to receive his coveted area.
Late: The 18 level cap will slow down your potential pressure by now. But Framing can be used in any areas as most areas has been photographed by now. So use it to close the game.
Avoid Fighting under Framing: Not the time to smile when being Framed, as you can see your total armor after getting Framed, avoid the trade.
10 Second Framing Debuff: As you avoided the 10 seconds debuff, it is possible to come back for a key fight though to fight under the advantage now.