Immortal Soul: Black Survival Community Content
Last Updated: 24/08/22
"I don't want to do this". She's still designing the masterpiece armor.
Skill Explained
Pattern Collection: Using at much so you unlock her power spike fast. Paying attention to noises early. Max Stamina means that you can tie this with Blue Cell, potentially.
Haute Couture: The more base DEF the armor has, the better for Mai. 60 DEF Armor are good considerations.
General Tips
Hero Helmet: It is a consideration to plan your build according to Hero Helmet to maximize on Mai's high DEF potential with her masterpiece.
Early: She starts weak, so pick your spot.
Mid: As she completes her masterpiece, Mai is at her strongest. Use that to your advantage to contest and pressure opponents, especially relevant for Wickeline. Salvaging a Legendary armor is possible, so Mai can still obtain Patterns.
Late: Seal the deal from your mid game momentum.
Contest Early: As Mai gets stronger mid-game, it is a good idea to contest her early game.
Mai's Corpse: Usually the first thing to grab on her body is her upgraded masterpiece armor!