Immortal Soul: Black Survival Community Content
Last Updated: 24/08/17
Want to swim? He will burst you in Water areas.
Skill Explained
Human Torpedo: His signature burst Combat skill infamous in Water areas allow Leon to craft maximizing Water areas like Lighthouse -> Beach for a Steel build as an example. Purple Cell in Water area is an option to further leverage this Water advantage. It is generally a good idea for Leon to pay attention to noises especially in Water areas to come in for a visit.
Rapacious Collecting: His passive add crafting speed so he can start maximizing his Human Torpedo burst damage as early as possible. Purple Cell faster searches can also be utilized as already mentioned, even in ground-areas to further enhance his crafting speed.
General Tips
Throw Mastery Consideration: While it is more standard, and easier, for Leon to start Hand Mastery, Throw is off-mastery is a consideration. Throw typically deals with more crafting is helped by Leon's passive. Throw is also known for potential burst damage with the RNG Dart of Blood to combine with Human Torpedo for massive damage, even one-shot kills. EgalLau37 is a famous Throw Leon example finding success even in competitive lobbies.
Early: Leon claims a momentum through Torpedo for his starting area (bonus if it's a Water one!) and then he crafts more easily with Rapacious Collecting. Otherwise, his stats won't carry you.
Mid: Leon might be patrolling or paying attention to noises in Water areas for Human Torpedo now that he's done with his build.
Late: Ideally, Leon receives a Water area as a last area for maximum damage. Otherwise, Leon maintained his early momentum through both his skills to secure victory.
Stay away from Water Areas: Leon might be patrolling mid-late game Water areas to Torpedo. Noises in Water areas can also invite a Leon.