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Last Updated: 24/08/16


"In the name of the Father, the Song, and the Holy Spirit." Priest that sermon opponents, and consecrates weapons/armors. He might not be your most beginner-friendly character has he likes good Stamina control and good noises awareness.

Skill Explained

  • Sermon: A rare no cooldown skill at the cost of Stamina for a lot of HP recovery over the course of game. Does required proper Stamina management to fully benefit from this healing skill. It can be used against opponents and animals alike.

  • Consecration: Slow channeling means you'll be doing it before a fight. Weapon is your best bet. A Legendary Weapon is definitely a consideration to Consecrate as you have 80% chance to have a Legendary Weapon for yourself, especially if Johann salvaged it from a different Mastery corpse. Great to pay attention noises/corpses all through the game to salvage something for Johann and gain momentum from it.

General Tips

  • Early: Sermon claims your starting area. One of the rare strong early hand character!

  • Mid to Late: Paying attention to noises/corpses for Consecration pulls. And you can potentially use it before the final fight to increase Johann's chances of victory as he ends at 51.4 ATK, not the strongest without a pull. If you maintain strong Stamina or you'll lucky for Stamina items, Johann's sermon will amount to great HP recovery over the game.


  • Looting Weapons from Corpses: Johann will have a weaker Consecration pulls from corpses.

  • Contest Strategically: If ahead, and/or, Johann is not using his Sermon every attack. It's a key insight on a low Stamina Johann. But he might have food even though he doesn't have Stamina.

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