Immortal Soul: Black Survival Community Content
Last Updated: 24/08/16
"In the name of the Father, the Song, and the Holy Spirit." Priest that sermon opponents, and consecrates weapons/armors. He might not be your most beginner-friendly character has he likes good Stamina control and good noises awareness.
Skill Explained
Sermon: A rare no cooldown skill at the cost of Stamina for a lot of HP recovery over the course of game. Does required proper Stamina management to fully benefit from this healing skill. It can be used against opponents and animals alike.
Consecration: Slow channeling means you'll be doing it before a fight. Weapon is your best bet. A Legendary Weapon is definitely a consideration to Consecrate as you have 80% chance to have a Legendary Weapon for yourself, especially if Johann salvaged it from a different Mastery corpse. Great to pay attention noises/corpses all through the game to salvage something for Johann and gain momentum from it.
General Tips
Early: Sermon claims your starting area. One of the rare strong early hand character!
Mid to Late: Paying attention to noises/corpses for Consecration pulls. And you can potentially use it before the final fight to increase Johann's chances of victory as he ends at 51.4 ATK, not the strongest without a pull. If you maintain strong Stamina or you'll lucky for Stamina items, Johann's sermon will amount to great HP recovery over the game.
Looting Weapons from Corpses: Johann will have a weaker Consecration pulls from corpses.
Contest Strategically: If ahead, and/or, Johann is not using his Sermon every attack. It's a key insight on a low Stamina Johann. But he might have food even though he doesn't have Stamina.