Immortal Soul: Black Survival Community Content
Last Updated: 24/08/02
Love & Peace! A straightforward character with high damage throughout the game, making an area "peaceful".
Skill Explained
Peace Zone: Claim areas, fix injuries, joke with Ambush Aptitude, Healing in last areas… But the slow 2 sec channeling might give your opponent a free hit if used during a fight!
Dissonance: Before Weapon defection system, it used to break a Weapon more often. Today, it is mostly used for spamming it's high damage and scaring opponents away. It will only break a Weapon if an active fighting player doesn't take the take the time to repair his Weapon from defection.
General Tips
Early: Peace Zone can be used to claim your starting area, but you might take a hit as a compensation. You have 20 seconds, hurry up!
Mid: Dissonance does decent damage throughout to scare players away after 1 hit to continue Crafting Efficiently.
Late: In last areas, there might be some use cases for Peace Zone to find out. Dissonance might break a Weapon from an active fighting player that didn't repair it (writing from experience).
Repairing Weapon Damage: The big thing is to keep your Weapon repaired as Hart's Dissonance will hurt more, and she might even break your Weapon if it reach defection.
Dissonance Based on Opponent ATK: The hit might hurt you a lot because it is based on the ATK of your Weapon, but Hart’s weapon herself might be weak!
Slow Peace Zone Channeling: During fights, 2 sec channeling opens Hart to take a hit before her Peace Zone.
Peace Zone is for Everyone: Not only Hart benefits from it, others too, so good time to fix an injury or take something from an area you didn't have access to otherwise, or a corpse even.