Immortal Soul: Black Survival Community Content
Last Updated: 24/07/31
I'll just take on everyone. Has his own signature arm Weapon.
Easier Character
Simplified Decisions: As he gets his Weapon from Call of Cadmus, he simplifies the game variables without having to bother with a Weapon craft.
Recover Defection: No need to repair or craft another Weapon as his weapon recovers after 30 seconds.
Skill Explained
Call of Cadmus: Allows Echion to simplify his decision without having to consider Weapon crafts/defection. This also means that he has to always craft Guardian Suit from his Wickeline's victory. He can't also rush a Purple Weapon like most characters to contest his area. But you have two playstyles/Weapon to choose from more damage (Adder) or more lifesteal (Mamba). Adder generally, and Mamba if you are expected to get a lot of animals as you get more lifesteal from them.
Venomous Tooth: Starts slow, but it builds over time. So it starts to become great for mid to late extended fights.
Spartoi: His Weapon's Skill recovers defection as he doen't need to worry about crafting or repairing his Weapon with a Whetstone.
General Tips
Early: Echion starts weak so his strength usually comes from how much he was contested early in the game. From having no weapon to craft, things can get pretty quick pretty fast. Pick your Weapon playstyle according to your lobby/matchup.
Mid & Late: If you didn't get much contest early, you should be snowballing from your crafting speed, and be in a good position to finish the game with a scaling Venomous Tooth.
Bully Early: Echion starts slow, and he can't rush his Weapon, so he should be easy to bully for a starting area.
Avoid Extended Fights Mid/Late: As his damage from Venomous Tooth scales over time and he receives it for an extended period of time.