Immortal Soul: Black Survival Community Content
Last Updated: 24/07/31
"I only wanted to trim that messy hair." Hairstylist finishing his job during night.
Skill Explained
Scapegoat: By itself, it doesn't do a lot. You can spam it during day time. It's the combination with Artistic Material during night that makes Daniel a threat.
Solitary Artist: Artistic Material debuffs with Scapegoat can be a lethal burst. So you'll be more strategic during night time for Scapegoat usage. He could snowball from a well-placed Artistic Material Scapegoat. Daniel also has an opportunity to steal Wickeline for a moment if a single opponent is running away from Artistic debuff.
General Tips
Early: He doesn't have anything, pick your spot. You're basically building up to night time and potentially enter night in a favorable position.
Night: He's looking for noises to potentially land his Artistic Material + Scapegoat even on a running opponent. This can be lethal, especially on Wickeline fight.
Late: After night, ideally he snowballed from a well-placed Scapegoat.
Low HP Requirement: During night, pay attention to Daniel's HP to avoid getting Artistic Material.
Running Away from Artistic Material: When debuffed from it, it is better to keep moving away to avoid Scapegoat as it reveals your location to Daniel.