Immortal Soul: Black Survival Community Content
Last Updated: 24/07/31
Job's done. Mercenary that punish poor Stamina management.
Skills Explained
Overload: If opponent has no Stamina, they will obviously take HP damage from Overload. Can be combined with Energy Burn & Blue Cell Balance Disruption for further damage.
Energy Burn: The higher your Stamina the more damage it does. Works ideally in combination with Overload as recovers HP too.
General Tips
Early: Nothing really, just find your spot.
Middle: Where he starts to be annoying for most people with his stamina burns. You ideally/always combine his two skills together for extra pain & regen HP at 4/5. Armor shred from Overload starts to be powerful enough from now.
Late: Skills and go!
High Stamina: Keep your stamina high, using Blue Cell / Accelerate Aptitude.